Leticia sponsored by Karleen Lewis in honor of Mary Lewis

New and ongoing projects and needs for Engilang'et Primary School and Dormitory:

Medical insurance for ALL the children living at the dormitory    $900 per year 

Support for the medical care and education of Maria, Leah, Ohini, Lengai, Fanuel, Nanuri, Merinyo, Duadi and Obedi​

The dream of a cafeteria for the 250+ students attending Engilang'et

More of Our students in Tanzania- Past and Present


We met Obedi in 2010 . At that time he was living in a horrifically mismanaged orphanage so we made arrangements with the Brothers of the Good Shepher to find a house and a house mom to care for the 14 children living there. Obedi, one of our original kids. He is HIV positive from birth and has several health problems. As he got older he needed more care so we moved him to live with Mama Anna at Engilanget Primary School. He is now 23 years old and going to St. Augustine University in Arusha studying accounting. 

Riziki sponsored by

Lynn and Carl Turnquist

This chicken project at the schoowhich was provided by The Women's Group from Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church in East Moriches.

ROSIE'S SCHOOL in the village of Olkokola:

                  St. Rose of Lima Academy

Neilejileji  sponsored by Debbie Martins

                                  Winah sponsored by       ​Claudia sponsored by   Noeli sponsored by

                                  the Mulligan Family       the Mulligan Family  the Mulligan  Family

                                   Raphael sponsored by         Godson sponsored by

                                     Pat Lazazzaro                     Charlie McGuire       

We helped Agatha attend Teacher's College after she finished Form 4.  She is pictured here with her child, who needed heart surgery shortly after his birth. Seeds of Hope paid for his surgery. 

Agape sponsored by Liz Taggart                 

Anna Mollel with the head teacher. 

6th grade girls accepting our gift of science books from Eastport Elementary. Without the education provided by Engilang'et, some of these girls would have been forced into early marriage by age 14.



St. Rose of Lima Academy has a student population of over 116 students with 5 teachers, Sister Yakunda, Sr. Perpetua, James, Clara and  Rose at the helm. Our "kindergarten" program consists of 3 levels- Baby 1, Pre-K, and Kindergarten. The children who attend St. Rose Pre School receive 2 meals during the day which will most likely be the only food they get for the day.. After the program is completed children move on to Standard 1 (which is equivalent to our Grade 1) at Nariva Academy. School fees for Nariva Academy are $500 per year, per student. We are grateful to our sponsors who send monthly donations to support the students. Nariva Academy is a boarding school where the children are well taken care of and get a good education. 

Yohanna (Kennedy)sponsored by Mike and Susan Berdinka


The old school...

Anita sponsored by the Ciampi Family.

Furaha sponsored by      Dainess sponsored by     Josephine sponsored by

The Rodriguez Family      The Dallesander family   Lisa and Francis Brogan

An education can change a life! These children ages 4- 7 will have an opportunity to attend our kindergarten program at St. Rose Academy, which is a 3 year early childhood education program. Become a sponsor for just $16 a month! Click the donate button and make note of the name of the child you would like to sponsor. Please send an email to debimazura@seedsofhopetanzania.org let me know you have made your donation and what child you have chosen to sponsor.You will receive a note of thanks and a photo of your child. Thank you for making a difference in the life of a child!

                                                                               Godfrey and Praygod sponsored by Terry Bennet and friends of  Lighthouse Yoga                 

Please consider becoming a sponsor for one of our 116 students registered at St. Rose in January 2025.  Your donation helps to provide food, school uniforms and educational supplies for our new children. For just $16 a month you can help a child receive an education. Click on the donate button on this page to make  a monthly recurring donation. Write “boy” or "girl" in the memo and we will contact you with the name of your sponsored child. 

    Angel sponsored by 
        Liz Taggart


Anna's son Boniface who now helps run the school.

Francis                         Petro sponsored by       PrayGod sponsored by

T                                     Carol Carter                   Joanie Archbold                            

Lengai, a student we have supported at Engilanget Primary school since 2015 proudly shared his diploma to his family when he graduated from 7th grade in 2023. He is now attending Patandi  Secondary School .  He suffers from Potts Disease from tuberculosis that went undiagnosed when he was just 3 years old. We are so proud of Lengai and will continue to pray for his success in school.

Moving on to primary school: A collaboration with Nariva Academy

Daniel supposed by Catherine Lapenna

"I slept and dreamed that life was joy

​I awoke and saw that life was service

I acted and, behold: service was joy."

​Poet Rabindranath Tagore

                                                        Pius sponsored by                 Lightness sponsored by                 Miriam sponsored by

                                                 Gabrielli Family                              by Dawn Tursellino                        the  Dedora Family                      

The new school was was officially opened in 2018. 

Hosea sponsored by Lynn and Carl Turnquist

Our volunteers and teachers from Engilang'et Primary School one of our mission trips

​Debi Fanuel, a boy with hydrocephalus who also lives at Engilang'et.

These children all have sponsors who support their education at St. Rose Academy and Mother Kevin English Medium Primary School.

​Israel sponsored by

Mike and Susan Berdinka

Lengai, playing basketball on the new court we provided. He had tuberculosis as a baby and it settled in his spine. He can no longer walk. 

Anna in her "factory" where she made tablecloths to sell in order to support her school.

Teachers Flora and Rose teaching the children.

Our goal is to continue Anna's legacy and make sure Engilang'et Primary School continues to educate the most vulnerable children. We  have made arrangements to sell Anna's table cloths and scarves here in the US for $25 and $30 each year during the months of November and December each year. 
100% of all the funds raised will go to support the children and programs at Engilang'et.

Anesta sponsored by

the McCall Family

   Princess                              Patricia                             Ivan                           Victoria
Sponsored by                        Sponsored by                     Sponsored by               Sponsored by
Debbie Iomio whiffen            Patricia Carrico                  Maryanne Aguis        Vicky Vaughn

We drove our 25 primary children to Nariva Academy, a English-medium Boarding school where the children will receive excellent care and a great education. We took the trip through Arusha National Park to get to the school and our kids were excited to see giraffes for the first time! Here are a few photos of that day , January 12. 2025. 



Anna’s School – Engilang'et Primary School
Anna Mollel, a courageous, ingenious Masai woman, was dedicated from an

 early age to make changes in educational opportunities for girls and

children whose parents struggled to send them to school. Her personal

experience as a 7 year old child, watching her friend with cerebral palsy

being told she could never attend school created a spark that would ignite

into what is today Engilang'et Primary School. Anna received the

World Children's Prize in 2012 for her work in advocating for differently abled

children and for protecting the most vulnerable children in Tanzania. 

Anna was dedicated to providing an inclusive education for children with

special needs which is why she began Engilang'et Primary School. Not only

does she have more than 250 children attending school there, but 20 of those children lived with her in her home until June of 2017 after which she had a dormitory built by Caritas International. All 52 children currently living there have a variety of special needs ranging from HIV to cerebral palsy to hydrocephelis. 

We worked with Anna so the school could become fully self sustaining, but with Anna's untimely death due to COVID in August 2021, some of the projects were not completed. We successfully helped begin a beekeeping project to produce and sell honey and a chicken project to use the eggs for the children living in the dormitory and selling off the extra eggs and chickens. In February 2025 we donated funds to pave the school grounds to make it safe for the children and help during the rainy season.

To sustain her school, Anna built a "factory" where she produced beautiful textiles. In the "factory" she hand loomed tablecloths and scarves. We sold more than 150 of her tablecloths here in the states last year and brought in over $3000 in funding. This year we are struggling to find a venue  to sell more of her cloths and continue her legacy.                                                                                       We send funds monthly to support the needs (food and student needs) and medical care of the most vulnerable children at the school. On our past volunteer trips we have provided Engilang'et Primary School with school supplies and science books, thanks to Eastport Elementary School students and teachers. Eastport Fire Dept. donated 3  IPads for the school's use which will afford children access to  technology. Clothing and uniforms were provided by students at Our Lady Queen of Apostles here in New York. Mary Rodriguez and CHS donated a basketball hoop and basketballs for the new basketball court we built at the school. Our our visit in January 2025 we helped create a sustainable garden and provided funds for irrigation to maintain the success of the garden. They have a dream to build a cafeteria one day for the students. Thank you to everyone who has given support to help Anna’s mission.
