The children at Engilang'et Primary School celebrated World Read Aloud Day and learned about Malala, Nobel Peace Prize winner who encourages girls to go to school and get an education. The third graders of Eastport Elementary School celebrated with them in a "School to School" connection that day. Engilang'et Primary has worked with another school here in the US as well- The Laurence School.
The Story of a family...there are thousands more just like this one...
Laurent is sponsored by Frank Barker and wants to become a priest. He attends St. Stephen's Academy.
Seeds of Hope Tanzania is an organization dedicated to serving the needs of the poorest of the poor in Tanzania East Africa.
We provide financial support for children, families and communities to overcome extreme poverty, with a particular focus on orphaned children there. We provide opportunities for growth through education and support children with school fees from primary school through university. We believe in providing micro financing opportunities to help people become self sustaining in order to break the cycle of poverty.
Debi Mazura, founder, taught third grade at Eastport Elementary. For years she involved her students with "real life" learning by sharing the things she experienced in Africa. Each year the students participated in a Service Learning Project to encourage and help children half a world away. Sometimes the students collected clothing or school supplies to send. One year they raised funds for irrigation kits and solar lanterns. In 2016 they helped raise funds to finish a classroom in the village of Olkokola. That classroom has now become 3 classrooms called St. Rose Academy, a registered kindergarten with the government of Tanzania!
Nanuri is a student that we began schooling at St. Engilanget. She is differently abled and has some challenges but is so happy to be in school. Nauri is now is Grade 7 and attends Patandi School
Past Projects...
*Microfinanced Christine to begin her own sandal business
*Helped build a house for Gertrude and her 9 children
*Bought Gertrude a sewing machine in order to start her tailoring business
*Donated a well for the SOS orphan village of 135 children in Dar Es Salaam
*Sent Deo to India for open heart surgery
*built water cisterns at a Pope John Paul II Center for Rehabilitation in Monduli
*Helped design a sustainable garden for the center in Monduli
*Provided chickens and a chicken coop for sustainability at the center
* Microfinanced Primus and Frida for a rice farm
* Donated 50 solar lanterns to families with no electricity
*Completely outfitted a health center with hospital beds, examination tables, and other necessary hospital equipment
*Funded 3 cleft palette surgeries, and 6 leg surgeries
*Provided irrigation kits to improve garden yield
*Supported more than 30 students since 2007 to continue their education and complete secondary school or vocational training
*Opened a flour grinding mill to help support people with HIV and AIDS in order to become self supporting
*Give food aid (maize) to starving people in Engalaoni during times of drought and pandemic (COVID)
*Built St. Joseph's Church in Engalaoni
*Built St. Rose Academy -Pre-K/Kindergarten in Olkokola
* Provided funds for a fish pond for sustainability of Cannan Center
*A kitchen built for St. Rose Academy allowing children to have access to 2 meals a day
*funded a beekeeping project at Cannani Center AND at Engilanget Primary School
*Funded a mushroom growing and harvesting project to insure sustainablility at Cannani Children's Center
*Donated PT equipment to St. John Paul Center for Rehabilitation in Monduli
*Provided funds for the pig project at Cannani Children's Centre for sustainability
*Completed a water catch system in the village of Engalaoni which provides a clean water resource for the village
*Continue to support disabled children at Engilanget Primary School
*provided a leg prosthesis for Lucas Sanare and Ohini
* Provided a grinding mill for Deo's family for a source of income
*provided a wheelchair and hospital care for Retecia
*provided handwashing stations for St. Rose Academy, Sacred Heart of Mary Church, St. Joseph' Church and St. John the Evangelist Church during COVID
*provided 750 masks for use at churches during COVID
*completed the Sisters' House in Olkokola
*Provided food and funds to St. Paul's Center to serve people afflicted by addiction and mental health concerns
*completed building the third classroom for St. Rose Academy
*well drilled in Olkokola
*outdoor kitchen at Engilang'et Primary School
*St. Rose kindergarten fully registered with Tanzanian government
*supported a sustainable chicken and duck project for the Little Sisters of St. Francis
*Electricity to St. Rose Academy
*Helped to continue to spread the word about AA
*Support the Little Sisters of St. Francis of Assisi
*Garden project St. Rose Kindergarten
*Cow Project at St. Joseph Ngarenano Secondary School
*Chicken project at St. Joseph Ngarenaro Secondary School
*Helped build a dormitory at St. Paul's Center
* Began AlAnon meeting in Arusha-only the 2nd meeting in TZ
*Completed the bathroom project at St. Rose
*Finished the 4th classroom project at St. Rose
* Began a "library" of english early readers at St. Rose Academy
Our vision is to support the people living in Arusha, Tanzania to overcome extreme poverty and become fully self- supporting. We do this by making sure that the basic human needs of water, food, shelter and care are all in place. Getting an education is the most important gift we can give and so can you. Currently we support students from pre-k to college, including secondary school or vocational training. In 2025 that number rose again - to more than 140! Please consider supporting one of our many children ... here are just a few...You can go to our Education page for more stories.
This is the Nyangusi Family. 6 years ago we brought their daughter to school at St. Rose Academy and now she attends 4th grade at Nariva Academy. Furaha is the only girl in her family and the only one who is going to school. She has 5 brothers, ranging in age from 3 years to 10. They all live in the home you see behind them. No beds, just straw on the floor where they all sleep huddled together. We are now sending the boys to government school and helping the mother begin a small vegetable selling business. Their father does not support the family financially or otherwise. This was a family without hope. Today, with an education, there is hope.
Nanuri, Oini, Obedi, Leah, and Lengai (not pictured) with other students from Engilang'iet Primary School
Matthew 25: 35-40
...for I was hungry and you fed me, I was thirsty and you gave me water; I was a stranger and you invited me into your homes, naked and you clothed me; sick and in prison and you visited me. Then these righteous ones will reply, "Sir, when did we ever see you hungry and feed you? Or thirsty and give you anything to drink? Or a stranger and help you? Or naked , and clothe you? When did we ever see you sick or in prison and visit you?" And I the King, will tell them"When you did it to these my brother and sisters, you were doing it to me!"